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Impact of Endurance/Resistance Training on Skeletal Muscle Glucose Metabolism in Older Adults Mar 10, 2022

Endurance training is what we refer to as aerobic exercise. It may involve bicycling, it may involve walking on a treadmill, or using an elliptical. In contrast, resistance training involves pumping iron, resistance bands, or even your own body weight.

  1. Age and Insulin Resistance
    1. It is...
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Managing Your Expectations happier Mar 03, 2022

We all have expectations about how a situation should go or how a person will react. It is part of who we are. However, when expectations do not fit reality, we become frustrated, angry, or depressed. For example, maybe you planned a romantic dinner for your partner’s birthday, and they...

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Defeating Procrastination Feb 24, 2022

Sometimes you need to hold off on a task, job, or project because something more pressing comes up. When you continually push it off, you may be struggling with procrastination. There are many reasons people procrastinate, from perfectionism to overwhelm, but defeating procrastination is possible...

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How to Improve Your Quality of Life happier Feb 17, 2022

Making your life better requires focus and planning. Looking at any psychological or medical research, you’ll find several ways to improve your life’s quality. Some of them won’t be any big surprise, but a couple might peak your interest. Read on for the best of the bunch.


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The Pros and Cons of Investing in Real Estate Feb 03, 2022

Investing in real estate can be a great way to make money, but it has its downsides too. If you’re thinking about investing in real estate, understand the pros and cons of investing in it to make sure it’s right for you.


While you don’t have to be an expert to invest in...

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Want To Have Your Best Year Ever? Then you need a Vision Board. happier wealthier Jan 27, 2022

Most people don't even know what they really want. It's just "more" or "to be happier" but they don't know what that might look like. For one person it might mean a big, beautiful home. For someone else, a huge home (or even just a home) wouldn't be a dream but a nightmare: They would prefer to...

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What is "Healthy Weight" and How To Get There Jan 20, 2022

A healthy weight is one where your body composition positively contributes to your overall health, wellbeing, and quality of life. However, many people do not maintain a healthy weight. In fact, about 13% of the world’s adult population is obese, according to WHO. And this number is still...

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How to Start (Or Improve) your Personal Wealth Jan 13, 2022

If 2020 knocked your personal wealth off the charts or you never got started in the first place, now is a perfect time. The earlier you start building wealth, the more money you’ll have when you need it.

Even if you aren’t feeling exceptionally ‘wealthy’ right now,...

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Your Muscle And Longevity Jan 07, 2022

A big part of the natural aging process is a decline in your muscle mass – known as sarcopenia. Sarcopenia significantly reduces your mobility, balance, general function, and independence as you grow older. Studies have even shown that it can cause you to die earlier.

According to a study...

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What do the Wealthy do that everyone else Doesnโ€™t? Dec 30, 2021

The wealthy are different, or at least that’s what 43% of Americans think. Almost half of Americans believe the wealthy are more intelligent, more hardworking, and even greedy.


But what do the wealthy do that others don’t, what’s keeping you from having the same amount...

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Are GMOs Safe To Eat? Dec 23, 2021


Every living thing is made of genes. And genes are made of DNA (a set of instructions that controls how cells grow and develop). Genes are responsible for a plant’s characteristics, from the nutritional value to its ability to survive harsh...

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Who Needs A Vitamin D supplement, And What Are The Benefits? Dec 16, 2021

Vitamin D, also known as the “sunshine vitamin,” is a fat-soluble vitamin. It is known as the sunshine vitamin because your body (skin) naturally produces vitamin D in response to direct sun exposure. The sun emits ultraviolet A and B (UV-A and UV-B) rays, but your body only needs...

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