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Whoop Your Butts - Your Mental Butts Sep 16, 2022

Whoop Your Butts – Your Mental Butts!!

What is stopping you from achieving your dreams and goals?

Often, we hear the terminology, “Get off your butt!” which means to take action through some kind of physical movement.

But there is another “butt” to focus on and that...

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The Benefits Of Rest Sep 08, 2022

Experts always say we need to get enough sleep and find more ways to rest. This is a fast-paced world, though. Do we really have the time? Considering the benefits of rest, we better make the time.


  1.  Your Heart Health Improves

Rest allows your blood pressure to lower and gives your...

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How You Can Address Self Doubt Once And For All happier Aug 25, 2022

Do you lack confidence in yourself or your abilities? Do you feel like this prevents you from achieving the desired success? You may be struggling with self-doubt. This nemesis of success lies in waiting to remind you that you aren't good enough, even after reaching your goal. It wants you to...

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Overcome FOMO happier wealthier Aug 18, 2022

The fear of missing out (FOMO) was around long before its catchy acronym caught on. With the advent of social media, things have only gotten worse. People spend hours scrolling through feeds and witnessing others' seemingly perfect lives play out in real-time. With this kind of stimuli at our...

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Make The Most Of Every Day Aug 11, 2022

The day-to-day struggle of getting up, going to work, coming home, and going to bed leaves many of us feeling depleted. Without making a conscious decision to make each day count, you will wake up in the same rut a year from now, wondering where the time went. It's time to make the most of each...

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Sleeping Habits That Affect Your Weight Loss healthier Aug 04, 2022


The goal of weight loss does not aim to simply lower the number on the scale. We want to lose weight in fat. And poor sleep habits can have detrimental effects on your weight loss journey.

The  Drawbacks to Weight Loss from inadequate sleep levels

  • Less sleep means less energy for...
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Good Advice From Grandma Jul 21, 2022

There is something special about grandmothers. These matriarchs have backbones of steel with the gentleness of a dove. They have a knack for fun and imparting words of wisdom that last a lifetime. Here are some life lessons that Grandma might have passed on to you:


  1.  Stay Tidy and...
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Be The Best Version of You Jul 14, 2022

Being the best version of you means different things to different people. Some are happy with the bare necessities. For others, they want something more. No matter what category you fall into, you can use these tips to become the best version of yourself.


  1.  Know And Understand Your...
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Developing Closer Relationships happier Jul 02, 2022

One of the keys to a happy life is having fulfilling relationships. You want to surround yourself with a close circle of people who inspire you to be a better version of yourself. If you struggle to create close relationships, you aren't alone. Many of us have plenty of acquaintances, but we...

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10 Steps to Create Empowering Goals Jun 23, 2022

Setting goals can enhance the quality of your life. For example, they offer you a sense of purpose, greater happiness, motivation to improve yourself, and more personal pride. Most importantly, goals offer you a pathway to realize the vision that you want for your life. Here are the steps you...

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New to Exercise? Avoid These Four Common Mistakes Jun 16, 2022

At your doctor's office, you nervously stepped onto the scales. When you looked at the number, you were both shocked and frustrated. You had gained nearly 20 pounds since your annual physical last year. Determined to lose weight, you excitedly started exercising for the first time in your life....

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Making Happy Habits Jun 09, 2022

It's rare to find someone who relishes being unhappy. Most of us want to experience more happiness in our lives. We want to smile and enjoy simple pleasures, relationships, and careers. The road to happiness is paved with small habits that offer huge returns when applied. If you are ready for a...

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