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Why your Diet Failed You! happier healthier May 27, 2021


The more we restrict, the more likely we are to fail. We found that conventional commercial diets bear no relationship to long-term health and weight management. In fact, there have been studies that actually show dieting is a predictor of weight gain, not loss. So why is that, exactly?...

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The Ketogenic Diet healthier May 20, 2021


In a world where weight-loss diets are popular, low-carbohydrate and high-protein eating plans tend to get peoples’ attention. An example is the keto diet. But beyond helping you lose weight, the keto diet is associated with many other health benefits.



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You need more Super Foods! healthier May 13, 2021


Consuming nutrient-dense foods is definitely a good idea. But note that while superfoods provide you with many essential nutrients you need daily, eating superfoods alone does not constitute a healthy diet. Because no one food can provide all the vitamins, minerals, and...

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Boost Your Immunity healthier May 06, 2021


Busy schedules and exposure to harsh environmental factors can result in stress that takes a significant toll on your immunity. Thus making you more susceptible to various illnesses. But there are things you can do to boost your immunity.

It is...

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Phytonutrients, what are they? healthier Apr 29, 2021


Phytonutrients Definition |Phytonutrients Foods

  • Phytonutrients are chemicals plants produce to protect themselves from insects, fungi, bugs, and UV rays. 
    • These powerful compounds give the plants their color, flavors, aromas, and disease-fighting capabilities. 
    • ...
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Going Nuts for Nuts. Part Two healthier Apr 15, 2021



Inflammation is a key process in the development of atherosclerosis associated with future cardiovascular disease events. Chronic inflammation is also closely related to the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes.

  • Some nuts and seeds are high in alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a type...
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Going Nuts for Nuts. Part 1 healthier Apr 08, 2021


Nuts are packed with nutrition, but they are also packed with calories.

Increased nut consumption has been associated with a reduced risk of major chronic diseases, including heart disease and diabetes.

  • Researchers at Harvard “examined the association between nut consumption and...
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The Power of the Microbiome healthier Mar 25, 2021


The Power of the Microbiome

  • All diseases begin in the gut. -Hippocrates
  • The human microbiome: an organ in its own right.
  • The microbiome is the genetic material of all the microbes - bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and viruses - that live on and inside the human body. The microbiome may...
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Let's Improve Your Sleep Habits! happier healthier Mar 18, 2021

Improving Sleep Habits

Sleeping is vital to our health & well-being as food and water is.  Sleeping affects us physically, mentally, & emotionally. It can affect our mood, memory, energy levels, concentration levels, health & safety, our jobs, relationships etc. 


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The Four I's to Improve Your Health! happier healthier wealthier Mar 11, 2021


The four I’s to improve your health

  • Intelligence
  • Implementation
  • Investment
  • I am doing it (remove I can/I will)



  • It is not about doing more things; it is about doing more of the right things.
  • Each of us, as individuals, are directly responsible for what we...
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Get off Your Butt! happier healthier wealthier Mar 04, 2021

Get of your butt! Not just physically, but mentally.

  • To accomplish any goal, we must take physical action.
  • There is mental action we must also take to accomplish our goals.

So how do we take mental action?

  • Study Those Who Came Before You
  • Mentally Prepare Yourself
  • Make a Plan
  • Track Yourself...
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Eat to Save Your Heart! healthier Feb 25, 2021

7 foods for cardio health

Taking good care of your cardiovascular system can be as easy as picking the right foods at the grocery store or local market. Consider regularly incorporating the following seven, heart-protective foods into your cooking and eating routines.


Loved and used...

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