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What do the Wealthy do that everyone else Doesn’t?

Dec 30, 2021

The wealthy are different, or at least that’s what 43% of Americans think. Almost half of Americans believe the wealthy are more intelligent, more hardworking, and even greedy.


But what do the wealthy do that others don’t, what’s keeping you from having the same amount of wealth?


It’s not what you think. They didn’t grow up with a silver spoon in their mouths or land the perfect job. It’s a lot about mindset and how they treat their money. The things millionaires do are things that you can do too.


If you’re ready to achieve higher wealth, it’s time to think like a wealthy person. Here are 10 ways you can start your path to riches.


10 Things the Wealthy do that Everyone else Doesn’t


Here are 10 things the wealthy do that others don’t. But the truth is that if you choose a couple of these factors to focus on, you can reach your wealth goals.


1.     Live below their means


Most people believe the wealthy drive the fanciest cars, have the biggest houses, and only wear designer clothing. But it’s not true.


The wealthy are smart where they spend their money, and it’s not on depreciating assets. Instead, they focus their money on assets that will make them money. Of course, they drive nice cars and wear nice clothes, but that’s after they have achieved wealth.


They don’t spend money just because they can. They buy what they need, but their purchases may even be considered frugal. They don’t live up to the “lifestyle creep” which means spending everything you have and making your lifestyle match the money you make.


2.     Take risks


The wealthy don’t thrive on comfort. Instead, they want to be uncomfortable because when you’re uncomfortable you grow.


They don’t put their money in savings accounts so it’s ‘safe.’ They invest it so their money grows. Yes, they take risks but calculated risks that when done right can make their money grow passively.


The wealthy also don’t settle for a job because they are comfortable. They constantly seek to grow and push themselves out of their comfort zone so they aren’t stuck at one income. They may start an entirely new career or a new business that they never had before because they see an opportunity and believe in themselves.


3.     Focus on ideas, not things


Millionaires are always thinking one step ahead. They don’t focus on material things. It’s not that they don’t have fun or buy nice things, but they are always thinking about how they can get in on those good things.


Rather than focusing on the nice cars, they are looking at how they can own the dealership. They are always on the hunt for the ‘next big opportunity.’ What will make their money grow? How can they get in on something good or make something better? Most millionaires have 7 income streams, so they are always striving for more – adding more income to their empire so they are never without.


4.     Work for themselves, not someone else


The wealthy don’t settle at their job. Everyone starts somewhere, but the wealthy never stop growing. Their goal is to be bigger and better than whatever job they have. They know that being wealthy is about earning, not saving.


You can’t earn staying stagnant at your job. Sure, stability is great, but it doesn’t help you grow. The wealthy are always looking for new opportunities and taking risks so they can grow their riches and add more income streams. Even if they do work for someone, chances are they own their own gigs too.


5.     Choose who they surround themselves with


You are who you surround yourself with and the wealthy are selective about who gets to share space with them. Surrounding yourself with successful people will push you to do the same. But surround yourself with people who are happy with the status quo, and you’ll unconsciously do the same.


To be wealthy, you have to think like you have a lot of money and the only way to do that is to surround yourself with people who are willing to do the same. It’s not that you can’t be friends with everyone, but choose your close friends, aka who you spend time with, carefully.


6.     Always willing to change or grow


The wealthy are always changing and growing. They don’t follow the mindset that you must follow the career path you started in college. Many of them didn’t even go to college.


Instead, they are always looking for ways to change or new avenues to add to their income streams. They take risks, they learn from their mistakes, and they keep growing. Stability in their eyes is bad because it doesn’t help you grow.


Some work for someone but are always looking for opportunities outside their jobs. Others never work for someone and create their own net worth.


7.     Give away money


It takes money to make money. The wealthy think of money like a seed. If they plant it by giving it away to those in need, more will come their way. The wealthy are more generous than any of us. They don’t restrict what they give because they know they’ll get more than what they gave out in return.


Think about the most famous millionaires, such as Warren Buffet. He is a philanthropist that gives away almost 99% of his fortune. Giving is what makes them happy, not owning the money itself.


8.     Work to learn and build their empire


The middle class often changes jobs when more money is dangled in front of their face, or they think the opportunity for promotion is higher. The wealthy work to learn not to earn a paycheck. They don’t focus on the income, but rather to learn. They want to learn not how to get promoted, but how to own it themselves.


They work to learn skills so they are capable of doing everything they’ve done for someone else. They own their own businesses, often several of them to grow their empire, their net worth, and their happiness.


9.     Value wealth over material things


Material things mean nothing to the wealthy. They have things of course, but they don’t go overboard. They don’t work to buy expensive things – they work to build wealth. Money means more to them than anything they could own.


10.  Set impossible goals


The wealthy set goals that others would think ridiculous. They don’t look at it like that. Instead, they look at it as a challenge – one they want to overcome and show people that it’s possible. They believe it is all about your mindset. If you set your mind to big things, you will achieve them. But if you set your mind to mediocre tasks, that is all you will achieve.


Can you become Wealthy?


Anyone can become wealthy. It comes down to your mindset and what goals you set for yourself. If you sell yourself short, you’ll remain where you are. But if you set your goals high, no matter how crazy they seem, you can achieve them.


It comes down to changing how you think about money, your job, and your capabilities. It doesn’t matter if you have a fancy education, were born with an inheritance, or have special skills. Anyone, no matter their education status can become wealthy if they put their mind to it and put the hard work in to reach their goals.


What is the Difference Between Being Rich and Being Wealthy?


Many people confuse the terms rich and wealthy, but they have two different meanings. The rich have a lot of money, but they may also have a lot of debt. The rich don’t know how to manage their money, and they don’t always have a positive net worth.


The wealthy, on the other hand, know how to manage their money. They don’t use it to buy things and they don’t have debt. The wealthy have a positive net worth and can often do what they want but choose to keep making money through active and passive methods, often having multiple income streams at one time.


Final Thoughts


If you’re not wealthy and think you’ll never be wealthy, stop there. It’s time to change your mindset because anyone can have as much money as they want, you just have to know how to get it.


You don’t need the best job or to have a large inheritance. Instead, you need to think like a wealthy person, take risks, work to learn, and think for yourself. Don’t overspend, and instead make your money work for you. In the end, you too will come out with a positive net worth that’s larger than you could have ever imagined.

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