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Weight-Loss Mistakes You're Likely Making Jun 02, 2022

Weight loss is a journey that requires a strong commitment and motivation to change. As diet is one of the central components of weight loss, the journey can be made much easier by eating the correct diet and making good food choices. Here are tips to help you lose those extra pounds faster and...

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10 Foods That Help Fight Fat healthier May 26, 2022

Eating food can't make you thin. But certain foods boost your metabolism, build lean muscle mass, and reduce appetite for longer. These foods, eaten as part of a calorie-controlled diet, can support fat loss. Here are the top 10 foods that help you bust fat.


  1. Greek Yogurt



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How to Break Your Food Addiction, Lose Weight, and Feel Healthy Again happier healthier May 19, 2022

There's leftover pizza and cake in the fridge, and they're calling out. What can a dieter do? No matter how they try to resist or distract themselves, the cravings resurface, over and over. But ultimately the battle is lost. It's a trip to the fridge and out comes the temptress foods. And now...

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10 Amazing Foods To Boost Your Brain Power healthier wealthier May 12, 2022

The human brain is a remarkable organ that requires a great deal of nourishment, so the food choices you make daily affect its structure and health. Eating a variety of natural, nutritious foods will have both short-term and long-term benefits to brain function, memory, concentration, and mental...

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Limiting Beliefs That Keep You From Attacking Your Goals happier wealthier May 05, 2022

Everyone has dreams, but not everyone makes their dreams into goals. You may have a few of these too. What are the reasons you tell yourself late at night to put the shutdown on making them a reality? These reasons are beliefs that you have, but that doesn’t mean they are valid reasons.


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Effectively Plan Your Day happier wealthier Apr 28, 2022

How much time do you spend planning each of your days? If you are like the majority of people, you spend no time planning. You wake up and slip into your same old routine. At the most, maybe you take some time to jot down a few important things you want to accomplish. If you want to boost your...

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Everyday Distractions That Hold Us Back happier wealthier Apr 21, 2022

Distractions are a part of all our lives. While we can't avoid them all, how well we deal with them, in general, is often a key indicator of our success. While distractions are often different for each of us, some common distractions tie us all together. These everyday distractions don't just...

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Easy Ways To Recharge Your Mind Apr 14, 2022

Your mind is constantly on - from when your feet hit the floor until your head hits the pillow. All the scurrying around with daily duties can drain you physically and mentally. Reaching for your device to watch some brain-draining videos is not always the answer. Here are nine different ways to...

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The Burden Of Limited Thinking Patterns happier healthier wealthier Apr 07, 2022

Many people believe that positive thinking and manifestation are important tools that propel us towards our goals, but what about the opposite? Limited thinking can be as much of a burden as positive thinking is a boon. It is one of several ways that we self-sabotage our success. If you aren't...

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Stop Feeling Guilty About Self-Care Apr 01, 2022

Amazingly, one of the things that we typically feel guilty about is taking care of our own needs. It feels downright selfish to focus on yourself when there is so much you could be doing for others. While compassion, empathy, and kindness are wonderful qualities, we have to direct a little of...

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Spreading Positivity Mar 24, 2022

The world is full of negativity. News of death, war, riots, and road rage seems to be everywhere. Each time you turn on the news or go to the store, you notice this. Why not combat negative people and ideas with a good dose of positivity? You can do it with some simple but extremely powerful...

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Benefits of Meditation happier healthier Mar 17, 2022

Many people are exhausted in today’s stressed out, distracted society and find life in the rat race frustrating. Few of us know what it feels like to slow down and be deliberate about actions and thoughts. Instead, we suffer from the strain of constant business. Meditation can help you...

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