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Keeping Your Life Simple

happier healthier Jan 12, 2023

We live in a busy society. I am sure you get it. We have so many responsibilities to keep up with. There is so much going on. Someone always needs something. Any chance you get to rest is likely interrupted by another issue, want, emergency or distraction. There is little time to sit back and breathe. If you want to keep your life simple, consider this...


  1.  Determine What Is Important to You

Enjoying a simple life begins by knowing what really matters. What is important to you? What does a simple life look like to you? It can help to write down four or five priorities in your life, which you can use as a compass.


  1.  Get Rid of the Clutter

Stuff stifles you and your dreams. The more you have, the more you have to worry about and take care of. Walk into any room in your home and look at it as if you were a new home buyer. What can go? What can stay? Then let the decluttering begin.


  1.  Develop Daily Routines

Routines ensure things get done while leaving you time to live life. Any repetitive tasks or duties you have are a great place to start. Create routines you can do as if you were on autopilot. This will save you time and energy.


  1.  Learn to Say No

Even though it can hurt to let people down, saying "no" more often will help simplify your life. It means fewer things on your plate, so you can focus on what's important to you. It is helpful to remember that every time you say "no" to something, you say "yes" to your own goals.


  1.  Spend Time with People You Love

Spending more time with the most important people in your life will make life simpler - and honestly - more enjoyable. You don't have to give up on your friends and family. You just have to figure out who is important enough to prioritize.


  1.  Let Go of Toxic Relationships

No one can make our lives more complicated than a toxic friend, family member, or partner. Simplify your life by refusing to feed into their drama. Limit your exposure to these people as much as possible.


  1.  Limit Your Time Online

Being at the beck and call of your notifications, social media, or email is no way to lead a simple life. While it can be hard to avoid your phone and email entirely, figure out ways to limit their distraction. Setting specific times to check your email and social media is a good start. ...As long as you stick to them! 


  1.  Simplify Your Wardrobe

You probably wear only 20% of what is in your closet. So, why do you allow so many items to clutter your closet and add stress when trying to find something to wear? It’s time to purge your wardrobe to some basic, well-made pieces that you can mix and match. Imagine how much easier your mornings just became.


  1.  Take Time to Plan Your Week

Taking some time to plan your week is a great way to simplify things. It gives you a roadmap to follow. No more wondering what's next or scrambling to get something you forgot done.



  1. Take a Sunday afternoon and write your priorities and what is important to you. Review the list and pull out the top 4-5 items. Post them in a prominent spot as a reminder to aim for simplicity.


  1. Purge your closet. Take out all of the items and go through each piece. If you can no longer wear it, get rid of it. If it needs repairing, and you don’t have the time or skills, send it out the door.


  1. Take your kid(s) out for ice cream and engage with them. Listen to them tell you about their day. Don’t let your phone distract you. Be totally in the moment.

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