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You need more Super Foods!

healthier May 13, 2021


Consuming nutrient-dense foods is definitely a good idea. But note that while superfoods provide you with many essential nutrients you need daily, eating superfoods alone does not constitute a healthy diet. Because no one food can provide all the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants you need to be healthy. Overeating one type of food can actually do you more harm than good as it prevents you from getting all the nutrients you need for optimal health. 

The key to a healthy diet is to consume a variety of nutritious foods in the right amount. Therefore, superfoods should not replace a balanced diet. Instead, they should be added to a well-balanced diet. 

A balanced and nutritious diet should include whole grains, legumes, lean protein, fruits, vegetables, and nuts while limiting sodium, refined sugar, and bad fats. Combining this with regular moderate exercise can do amazing things for your health.  


A crucial part of healthy living is eating a nutritious diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. According to science, nutrient-dense foods not only make you feel great but can help reduce your risk of certain chronic diseases while providing you with many other health benefits. 

You've most likely heard about "superfoods" that supposedly make you look great, feel great, and help you live a longer, healthier life. But what exactly are "superfoods," and what makes them so unique? 

Superfoods refer to foods that offer maximum nutritional benefits with minimal calories. While there is no exact definition, superfoods are considered nutrient powerhouses that provide your body with large amounts of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and beneficial phytochemicals. A lot of the superfoods are plant-based, but some fish and dairy products also fit this definition. 


When eaten in a well-balanced diet, these foods can make your heart healthier, promote weight loss, improve your energy levels, and even slow down aging. Some of the nutrients responsible for the health benefits of superfoods include: 

  • Phytochemicals have many health benefits, including reducing your risk of cardiovascular diseases. 
  • Antioxidants reduce the effect of aging and help prevent cancer. 
  • Vitamins and Minerals keep you healthier by warding off diseases. 
  • Fibers can help prevent diabetes and digestive problems 
  • healthy fats reduce your risk of heart disease. 

Superfoods are also famous for protecting your organs from toxins, lowering cholesterol, regulating metabolism, and reducing inflammation. 


Note that unprocessed, natural superfoods offer the most benefit. This is because foods tend to lose nutrients with processing or added sugar. Here are some of the most popular superfoods and the unique health benefits they offer. 


Berries contain very high levels of flavonoids that have been shown to lower the risk of a heart attack. They also contain certain antioxidants and phytochemicals that help fight against cancer-causing free radicals and protect memory and cognitive function. Berries can also help suppress and repair oxidative damage as well as help you maintain regular blood sugar.  

Some beneficial varieties include: 

  • AcaiBerries contain many antioxidants, healthy fats, fiber, and essential nutrients such as 19 amino acids, many B vitamins, magnesium, potassium, and phosphorus. 
  • Blueberries are particularly rich in phytochemicals that act as powerful antioxidants. These phytochemicals help you lower the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and degenerative diseases like Alzheimer's. They also contain fiber, manganese, and vitamin K. 
  • Goji Berries are high in various flavonoids, vitamin C, and E. They are used to manage diabetes, hypertension and maintain eye, liver, and kidney health in Eastern medicine. 
  • Cranberries contain a lot of a particular flavonoid that helps lower the risk of urinary tract infection. 

Other berries include strawberries, raspberries, and tart cherries. 

Dark Green Leafy Vegetables (DGLVs) 

They make an excellent source of folate, zinc, calcium, iron, magnesium, vitamins A, C, E, K, many B vitamins, and fiber. One of the things that make them superfoods is their ability to reduce your risk of chronic diseases like heart diseases and type 2 diabetes.  

In addition, DGLVs can protect you against certain types of cancers. According to the American Institute for Cancer Research, the dietary fibers in these vegetables can decrease the risk of colorectal cancer. DGLVs are also very rich in carotenoids – antioxidant compounds – that fight potentially cancer-causing free radicals.  

Some popular DGLVs include Kale, Swiss chard, spinach, and collard greens. Several nutritionists say the darker the color of a vegetable, the more nutrient it contains. 

Some of these vegetables have a bitter taste, so not everyone enjoys them plain. You can make them more palatable by including them in soups, salads, stir-fries, curries, and smoothies. 

Sweet Potatoes 

This root vegetable contains nutrients that help you slow down aging, prevent heart attack, boost immunity, improve vision, and maintain healthy skin, teeth, and bones. Some research has also suggested that sweet potatoes may help prevent diabetes, obesity, cancer, etc. This is due to their antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties. 

Some of the nutrients responsible for these health benefits include fiber, iron, vitamins A, B6, C, magnesium, and potassium. 

Sweet potatoes are naturally sweet. So they do not require any extra salt, butter, or cream that other potatoes typically need to make them taste better. 


This nutritious fruit is famous for many benefits, including lowering cholesterol, alleviating arthritis, reducing the side effects of chemotherapy, reducing your risk of cancer, heart disease, and type 2 diabetes. Avocado is very rich in nutrients like: 

  • Monosaturatefats: boost your good cholesterol levels. 
  • VitaminsEandB6: help you form red blood cells, protect you from free radicals, and promote skin health. 
  • Magnesium: plays a role in regulating your blood pressure and sugar.  

Avocadoes also help improve your body's absorption of carotenoids. Carotenoids are rich in vitamin A. And Vitamin A has been associated with reducing the risk of cancer, heart disease, and eye degeneration. 


This is a powerful source of protein that can play a significant role in preventing and managing various diseases. And unlike food from many animal sources, the legume family is low in saturated fats (which can raise cholesterol levels and risk of heart diseases). According to the American Heart Association, legumes offer health benefits that animal products do not.   

As shown in a 2015 study, legumes contain high levels of vitamins and fiber that can help regulate your cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood sugar levels. Regular consumption of legumes can promote healthy weight loss as they keep you fuller for longer. 

Examples of legumes are beans (including soy), peas, lentils, peanuts, and alfalfa. 

Nuts and Seeds 

They contain high levels of healthy fats, protein, fiber, and minerals. They are also rich in phytochemicals with antioxidant properties. Eating nuts and seeds have been shown to have a protective effect against heart disease. 

Examples of nuts: almonds, brazil nuts, cashews, walnuts, pistachios, pecans, and macadamia nuts. Common seeds: sunflower, pumpkin, chia, and hemp seeds. 

The downside to these superfoods is the high caloric content – a handful of nuts could contain 100 calories. 

Fatty Fishes 

These non-plant superfoods are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which can help lower your cholesterol level, risk of heart disease and stroke. They can also lower your blood pressure, lessen inflammation, and significantly boost your mood. Fatty fishes are also rich in Vitamin D and selenium that prevent cell damage in your hair, skin, nails, and bones to keep you looking younger. 

The American Heart Association recommends eating fatty fish like salmon, trout, and herring at least 2 times a week. 


Though historically controversial because of the high cholesterol content, eggs remain one of the healthiest foods. Whole eggs are loaded with many nutrients, including high-quality protein, selenium, B vitamins, iron, vitamin A, phosphorus. They also contain 2 potent antioxidants, lutein and zeaxanthin, that are known to support your eye health. 

There is a widespread fear of egg consumption and high cholesterol. But research shows no measurable increase in heart disease or diabetes from eating up to 12 eggs per week.  In fact, egg consumption could increase HDL (good) cholesterol in some people, which results in a reduced risk of heart disease. More research is needed to draw a definite conclusion. 

Kefir and Yoghurt 

These are fermented beverages that contain protein, calcium, B vitamins, potassium, and probiotics. Probiotic-rich foods such as these have been associated with reduced cholesterol and blood pressure, improved digestion, and anti-inflammatory effects. 

Dark Chocolate  

According to a 2016 study,  dark chocolate plays a role in weight loss, heart health, and cancer prevention. These benefits have been attributed to the high antioxidant content. According to another 2018 study, 1 or 2 ounces per day may help improve cognition, prevent memory loss and boost your mood.  

Other Superfoods 

  • Citrus fruitsmahelp prevent age-relateeydiseases. 
  • MushroomsThougmorstudiearneededmushroommacomplement breascancetreatment. 
  • GarlicandOnionscontributetothemaintenanceofhealthybloodpressure. 
  • Pomegranate.Thisisalesspopularsupporterofhearthealth. 
  • GreenTeacontainsmanycompoundsthathavepotentantioxidantandanti-inflammatory effects. 
  • GingerRootcontainsantioxidants.Italsohelpsinmanagingnauseaandreducingpainresultingfrominflammatoryconditions. 




[ The following is the full transcript from this week's post. This is a health blog with a focus on weight loss. Please consider that all episodes are unscripted, direct to the camera, with focused talking points. ]



I hope everyone is doing well today.

So, today, I want to talk to you about superfoods, something that is pretty interesting to me, and something, if you understand, that can really add value to your, your health and wellness journey.

So, first, what is really a superfood, and a super is described as something that really is a food item that is very rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, A great source of health in consuming these things.

So, that is why I want to talk to you today because this is something you can use to it. Really maximize your, your health and wellness.

And so, selecting the right items to add to your diet, can add a lot of value to your overall health and wellness.

So, know, it, basically, what we, we take it on our diet has a big impact on the functioning of our body.

So, it is important we consume things that have antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and that is why we want to talk about that.

When we are talking about superfoods, these are often kind of whole food items, meaning that they are, they are fresh. They are not processed or heavily processed. So that it maintains its nutritional value.

So: what is the kind of the benefits or the nutritional benefits, of superfoods?

Well, the superfoods often contain something called phytochemicals. These are known to help reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.

Superfoods also contain antioxidants, which have an effect on reducing the effects of aging and health counselors.

Obviously, there are vitamins and minerals and this is really helping so your body is functioning at its best stability, and this also helps ward off diseases.

Also, the significant fiber content in most superfoods, which obviously helps with your digestive system, but also helps prevent diabetes and other illnesses.

And then healthy fats. These reduce your risk for heart disease.

So, the big thing is, superfoods are famous for protecting your organs from toxins.

They lower cholesterol, help regulate metabolism where they reduce inflammation.

As I have spoken before, this inflammation, chronic inflammation is an essential part of chronic illness. Anything we can do to minimize that is very important to us.

So, again, the superfoods are unprocessed or are not heavily processed foods because, in the act of processing food items, a lot of this nutrition kind of value is lost.

In addition, when foods are heavily processed, they add sugar.

And so, it is important to understand that if you are taking anything that is defined as a superfood really investigate it, make sure it is not heavily processed.

I would put a lot of supplements in this category that is touted as a superfood, but they are heavily processed. And so, I would question that a little bit.

What are some sub superfoods?

I will begin with berries.

Berries in general, are extremely high, and flavonoids this as a chemical that helps reduce your risk of heart disease.

They also contain antioxidants and phytochemicals. These things help fight against cancers basically helps reduce free radicals that also have an impact on your memory and cognitive function.

So, berries are very helpful in suppressing and repairing oxidative damage. That is part of the byproduct of normal metabolism. So, it is important to have things in their system that can help kind of regulate that.

So, obviously, beneficial berries like, blueberries strawberries, raspberries, cherries, the list can go on and on, but berries are one of the groups of superfoods. So, it is something you really should try to incorporate into your diet, on a routine basis.

The next group would be dark green, leafy vegetables.

This is an excellent source of zinc, calcium, iron, magnesium, various vitamins.

And then also, fiber, fiber is essential.

In the American diet, usually we are not consuming enough fiber.

When there is a lot of health benefits from fiber, the dark green, leafy vegetables, help you protect yourself against various types of cancers.

And this is because of their, antioxidant abilities and also the rich fiber source.

So, things like Kale, Spinach, Collard Greens, are good examples of kinds of dark green, leafy vegetables. It is a nice thing about these is you can simply go to the Produce section and you can visually see which is the dark dirty, leafy vegetables.

Then, you really can incorporate these into your diet in a variety of ways. You know, soups, salads, smoothies, things like that.

The next superfood is sweet potatoes.

Sweet potatoes contain a variety of nutrients that can help slow down the aging process, which helps prevent heart attacks.

It will boost your immune system, helps with vision, and really helps maintain healthy skin, teeth, and bones.

So, there is some evidence shows that that may also help prevent diabetes, has a positive impact on weight reduction or fighting obesity, also cancer.

And, again, this is kind of due to their antioxidant anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties.

So, it is really important. Again, the sweet potato also contains fiber iron, various vitamins, magnesium, potassium. So, these are a great source of minerals and nutrients that you can have kind of in that whole food arena.

Another nice thing about sweet potatoes, they are naturally sweet. So, you are not kind of adding a lot of other things, such as with your kinds of butter, creams, or other sweeteners.

So sweet potato. Great choice to have in your diet.

Avocados. This is a kind of probably one of the more common, well-known superfoods, but its benefits include lowering cholesterol, help with arthritis, it actually can reduce the side effects of chemo, it reduces your risk of cancer heart, disease, diabetes.

Avocados are rich in saturated fats. This is good to help boost your good cholesterol. Avocados have vitamin E and B six, this is good for your red blood cells.

It helps protect for free radicals really promotes good skin health.

Magnesium is found in avocados, plays a role in regulating your blood pressure, and also your sugar levels.

Again, avocados a great source of a variety of nutrients and really can have a positive impact on your diet.

The next group is legumes.

This is a powerful source of protein.

It plays a pretty significant role in managing a variety of diseases. The thing about this is, unlike the foods from animal sources, the legume family is low in saturated fat. And so, it is a good source of protein without kind of the other bad things you might find in him, animal products.

They contain high levels of vitamins and fiber. Which can help regulate your cholesterol blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and so really, a diet composed of these really can promote healthy weight loss, it also helps to keep you fuller, longer. So, some examples are beans, peas, lentils, peanuts, and alfalfa.

The next group is nuts, seeds.

They contain high levels of healthy fats, protein, fiber, and minerals they are rich in phytochemicals and antioxidants.

So, eating nuts and seeds have really been shown to have a protective effect against heart disease. Examples of nuts, almonds, Brazil nuts, Cashews, walnuts, or pistachios, common seeds are sunflowers, pumpkin chia seeds, hemp seeds.

The one caveat in that seed consumption is, is the caloric count. These things do have a dense caloric kind of amount, meaning that it does not take a lot of nuts and seeds to have a lot of calories. So, you do need to be a little cautious of that, just simply from the sheer number of calories that you may be consuming.

The next item is fatty fish. These are not plant-based superfoods that are rich in omega-three fatty acids. This helps lower your cholesterol levels and also reduces your risk of heart disease, stroke. They can also have an impact on lowering your blood pressure. They do not cause an inflammatory response and they actually can help boost your mood.

Then obviously, there the fatty fish are also rich in vitamin D Which can help prevent cell damage. Your hair, scam mills, bonks, things like that ultimately can help you look younger.

So, the American Heart Association does recommend eating fatty fish like salmon and trout are hiring at least two times a week.

The next item is eggs. Historically, this has been a little bit controversial because of the high cholesterol content of eggs, eggs remain one of the healthiest foods.

Whole eggs are loaded with many nutrients. A high-quality protein, B vitamins by vitamin A phosphorus. And they also contain potent antioxidants. And that is known to help support your eye health.

Now, there is this widespread, fear of consumption of high cholesterol, but research shows that there is no measurable increase in heart disease or diabetes for meeting up to 12 eggs per week.

So, in fact, egg consumption could actually increase your HDL, good cholesterol in some people.

So, this would also reduce your risk of heart disease. While more research needs to come about right now, eggs, look like they had a lot of value to your overall health and wellness.

So, the next items are the yogurts. These are basically fermented things. They contain protein, calcium B vitamins, and probiotics. And probiotic-rich food, such as these that have been associated with a reduction in cholesterol helping, your blood pressure improves your digestion. And also, they are an anti-inflammatory effect.

These kinds of fermented things are really good for your body, specifically for your gut health, which obviously has a ripple effect on overall health.

So, the next item on the list is dark chocolates. Dark chocolate can play a role in weight loss, heart disease, or heart health, in cancer prevention.

This is basically attributed to dark chocolate having a high level of antioxidants.

And so, it is exactly oxidants that can really help kind of save off from other illnesses.

So go ahead and enjoy some dark chocolate in your diet, that is going to help with alleviating the potential for various illnesses.

So, you know, this is just a quick summary of some of the superfoods, I would encourage you to look into this more, and then identify the super things that you also like.

Meaning that they are enjoyable for you to eat, and then incorporate them into your regular eating habits so that you are ingesting these and getting the benefits of these superfoods.

So, again, one of the things to remember though is, some of these superfoods can have a high caloric load.

And so, you need to be aware of that to make sure you are still eating healthy, but eating a reasonable number of calories each day, so you are not overconsuming and simply telling yourself I am eating all these nuts, therefore, must be healthy.

But, you know, 3000 calories a day is nuts. That Itself is not going to promote good health.

So, again, it is all about a balanced diet.

So, you want to include a variety of this superfood.

And then again, another thing you want to do if you are really if your health and wellness is the incorporation of the superfoods.

But also, really limiting, processed or highly processed foods usually have a lot of refined sugars and the bad fats and things like that. Exercise does help with your health and wellness journey.

So, try and increase your activity level. I often refer to the activity, not exercise. When I hear the word, exercise gives me kind of a negative feeling, it implies to me that I am not going to enjoy, something that can inflict pain.

So, the important thing is to kind of change that philosophy from exercise to activity.

There are things you can do that are going to help stimulate and elevate your heart rate up and give you the benefits of exercise, but you are not going to have the same approach or the same mental kind of barrier since using the term exercise.

So, you know, 30 minutes on the treadmill if you do not like it then go out and do a brisk walk outdoors for 30 minutes.

Simple things like that.

You got to find stuff that you enjoy that entails both food and exercise or increased activity.

Remember, we are talking about your wellness and health journey, and that is just this.

There is, this is a journey, and it is something you need to apply every day in your lives to truly have the value.

So, go out there, Investigate the Super Foods, get you some, start eating them, and enjoy them.

That is going to help you in your health and wellness journey.

So, remember, this is something that could be enjoyable and fun.

And do not let it scare you, because maybe you do not have a good understanding, or you want to increase your knowledge.

I would encourage you to do that.

Remember that you have got it.

Thank you.

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