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Why We Fear Success

happier wealthier Jun 22, 2023

Fearing failure make sense. But what about success? Success is often seen as a desirable outcome but can evoke fear and apprehension in some individuals. Why would something most of us desire also make us fearful or stressed? Here are 9 reasons that people are typically afraid of success.


  1.  The Unknown

Success often brings us new opportunities, challenges, and responsibilities. This can be scary for some individuals. We would rather stay in our comfort zone than step into the unknown.


  1.  Uncomfortable With Change

Success almost always requires change. These personal growth and lifestyle adjustments can make us uncomfortable. People often fear the disruption and uncertainty that come with change. This fear leads to a general fear of success.


  1.  High Expectations

With success comes higher expectations from ourselves and others. The pressure to maintain that level of achievement can be overwhelming, leading to fear and self-doubt.


  1.  Fear Of Judgment

Success can attract attention and scrutiny from others. Some individuals fear being judged or criticized for their accomplishments. They would rather not succeed if it means they can avoid the gaze of others.


  1.  Fear of Failure

Fear of failure is common, but funny enough, fear of success can stem from it. Achieving success can lead to increased responsibilities and higher stakes, creating anxiety about being unable to meet those expectations or maintain success.


  1.  Losing People You Care For

Envy, resentment, or even less time with friends or family is sometimes a byproduct of success. Success can change the dynamics of relationships, and some individuals fear their success may lead to losing loved ones.


  1.  Imposter Syndrome

People who experience imposter syndrome may fear success because they believe they will be exposed as frauds or that they do not truly deserve their accomplishments. They feel that success will only shine a light on their failings and weaknesses.


  1.  Happy In The Comfort Zone

Success often requires taking risks and stepping outside of one's comfort zone. Some individuals may fear this discomfort. They aren't comfortable with the uncertainty associated with pushing beyond familiar boundaries.


  1.  Will It Make Me Happy?

People may fear achieving success will not bring the happiness or fulfillment they expect. They may worry that success will come at the expense of other important aspects of life, such as relationships, hobbies, or personal well-being.






  1. Reflect on any limiting beliefs or negative thoughts you may have about success. Examine their origins and question their validity.


  1. Break down your path to success into smaller, achievable goals. Focusing on one step at a time can help you enjoy the journey rather than stress about the destination.


Surround yourself with a supportive network of friends, family, or mentors who believe in your potential.

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