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Revitalize Your Life: Overcoming Fatigue and Reclaiming Your energy

happier healthier Sep 26, 2024

A lot of people frequently feel tired. In fact, over 30% of healthy adults, teens, and older individuals report feeling fatigued regularly. So, you are definitely not alone.

While fatigue is a common symptom of many health conditions, it is often caused by some lifestyle factors. Fortunately, these lifestyle factors are easy to correct. The following are possible reasons you’re always tired and what you can do to get your energy back.

You’re Consuming Excessive Amounts of Refined Carbohydrates

Your body breaks down the carbohydrates you consume into sugar, which your body uses for fuel. Therefore, carbohydrates can be a quick energy source.

On the other hand, consuming excessive refined carbohydrates can leave you feeling tired throughout the day. Here’s why. Refined carbohydrates cause a spike in your sugar levels, which triggers the release of large amounts of insulin to reduce your blood sugar quickly. The quick spike and fall in your blood sugar levels can leave you feeling exhausted.

Various studies show that limiting your intake of refined carbohydrates will improve your energy levels. Another study showed that eating snacks containing high amounts of refined carbohydrates before an intense physical activity will make you more tired than eating a peanut butter-based snack.

You should therefore consume whole foods that are rich in fiber in place of refined carbohydrates. These whole foods do not cause huge spikes in your blood sugar levels. Hence they will not leave you tired. Examples of such foods include vegetables and legumes.

You’re Living a Sedentary Lifestyle

Your lack of physical activity may be the reason you’re always tired. Perhaps you’re thinking, “how can I be physically active when I’m tired all the time?” Well, many people think that too. In fact, a recent study showed tiredness to be the most common reason that middle-aged and older adults don’t exercise.

However, studies in over 1500 people found that exercise can help reduce fatigue and increase your energy levels. This is applicable whether you’re healthy or have a health issue. Furthermore, even a slight increase in your physical activity levels can significantly improve your energy.

So, you should develop a more active lifestyle to improve your energy level. Some helpful tips include taking the stairs instead of the elevator and walking instead of driving short distances.

You’re Not Getting Enough Quality Sleep

Not getting enough sleep is one of the common causes of tiredness. The reason is simple. Your body carries out many activities while you sleep. One of these activities includes releasing hormones that regulate your energy levels. This is why you feel more energetic after getting a good night’s sleep. To maintain good energy levels, you should get about seven hours of sleep every night. The sleep should also be uninterrupted and restful for you to reap the most benefit.

Beyond getting enough sleep, maintaining a regular sleep schedule can also help you prevent unnecessary tiredness. According to a study, people who go to bed at the same time on weekdays and weekends report less fatigue and difficulty falling asleep than those who sleep later and for fewer hours on the weekends.

Being physically active during the day can also help you sleep better at night. A study found that physical activity can help improve the quality of your sleep, reduce your fatigue, and increase your energy levels. Therefore, you should endeavor to be physically active during the day to enjoy better sleep and feel more energetic.

If you have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep or suspect a sleep disorder, you should speak to your doctor.

You’re Sleeping at The Wrong Time

Your body undergoes some biological changes in response to light and darkness during a 24-hour cycle. This is known as the circadian rhythm. Unfortunately, sleeping during the day instead of at night throws your circadian rhythm off balance, which can reduce your energy levels.

According to research, you can develop chronic fatigue when your sleep pattern is not in sync with your circadian rhythm. This is often seen in people that perform shift or night work.

Sleeping at the right time is so crucial that even staying awake for one or two nights can make you very tired. It is, therefore, best to sleep during the night whenever you can.

However, if your job requires you to work the night shift, various strategies can help improve your mood and energy levels. For instance, sleeping in total darkness, bright light pulses, and wearing dark sunglasses outside have been reported to help reduce tiredness and improve mood.

You Can’t Tolerate Certain Foods.

This intolerance usually causes various symptoms, including prolonged and excessive tiredness. Unfortunately, fatigue is often overlooked as a symptom of food intolerance. But some studies show that food intolerance can make you tired. So much that it can affect your quality of life. Some common food intolerances include dairy, gluten, soy, corn, and egg intolerance.

If you’re concerned that certain foods make you more tired than usual, stay off those foods for a while and monitor how you feel. You can also work with a dietitian or allergist to help you figure out what foods to avoid.

You’re not Consuming Enough Calories.

Your body needs calories from food for various metabolic processes and to function optimally. So, when you do not consume enough food (or calories), your metabolism slows down to conserve energy. This can cause you to feel exhausted.

How many calories your body needs depends on your age, weight, gender, and other factors. But you need at least 1200 calories daily, so your metabolism doesn’t slow down.

It is also difficult to provide your body with essential vitamins and minerals when you are not consuming enough calories. Unfortunately, insufficient vitamin D, iron, and other essential nutrients can make you excessively tired.

So, to maintain optimal energy levels, you should consume at least 1200 calories from nutritious meals every day. You should also avoid a drastic reduction in your daily calories, even if you are working towards weight loss.

You’re Not Eating Enough Protein

Protein has been shown to boost your metabolism a lot more than carbohydrates or fat. And an optimal metabolism can help prevent tiredness. A study found eating high-protein foods like beans, meat, fish, and eggs at least twice a day can help make you feel less tired. Other studies also found that high protein consumption results in less fatigue among people that actively engage in weight and resistance training.

So to improve your energy levels, consider having a high-protein food item at every meal.

You’re Not Drinking Enough Water

Many processes happen in your body that cause you to lose water, including sweating and urination. And any lost water needs to be replaced, so you do not become dehydrated.

Optimal hydration, therefore, plays a crucial role in helping you maintain good energy levels. According to several studies, even mild dehydration can lower your energy levels and even disrupt your concentration. One of the studies showed that working out while staying hydrated resulted in less fatigue than working out without replacing water lost through sweat.

How much water you require daily depends on your level of physical activity, age, weight, and gender. But a general recommendation is to drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.

Therefore, in all you do, ensure that you drink enough water to keep you well hydrated. This will help you feel more energetic.

You Overdepend on Energy Drinks

There are lots of drinks that can provide you with quick energy. These drinks typically contain high amounts of caffeine, sugar, amino acids, and B vitamins. For instance, a typical cup of coffee contains 77-150 mg of caffeine, whereas many energy drinks contain 350-500 mg of caffeine.

There is no denying that these energy drinks can give you a temporary energy boost because of their high sugar and caffeine content. However, these beverages can also set you up for rebound tiredness when the effect wears off. According to various studies, energy drinks can improve your mood and alertness for several hours after consumption. But excessive daytime sleepiness will usually happen the following day.

Even small amounts of caffeinated beverages in the afternoon can interfere with your sleep and result in low energy levels the following day.

For better energy levels, you should gradually wean yourself off energy drinks. You should also limit your caffeine consumption to early in the day, so you can sleep well at night.

Your Stress Level is High

Chronic stress can significantly reduce your energy levels. How you respond to stress can also determine how tired you feel. For instance, a study found that your level of fatigue is at the highest when you avoid dealing with stress.

It is almost impossible to avoid every stressful situation. But developing strategies for stress management can help prevent you from feeling totally exhausted. For example, yoga and meditation have been shown to help relieve stress. Similar mind-body exercises can also help you handle stress better and feel more energetic.


Chronic tiredness can be caused by many things. It can be a sign of an underlying medical condition. Therefore you should first rule out medical conditions if you’re experiencing chronic fatigue.

Beyond medical conditions, feeling super tired can be due to your lifestyle. Fortunately, some healthy lifestyle modifications can help improve your energy levels and overall quality of life. Some helpful changes include a more nutritious diet, more physical activity, and better sleep.

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