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Reasons To Disconnect From Your Phone

happier healthier Sep 07, 2023

Smartphones have become an extension of our arms. Look around, and you will find many people looking at their hands instead of the world around them. Disconnecting from your phone more often can enhance your life in many ways. Here are nine reasons to disconnect from your phone.


  1.  You Stop the Comparison Game

Social media encourages you to compare your life to the carefully crafted personas your contacts have created. Often, these idealized profiles have little basis in reality. Putting the phone down stops the comparison game that threatens your happiness.


  1.  You Gain Periods of Solitude

As a society, few of us know how to be alone or be silent. We are bombarded incessantly with notifications on our phones. When you disconnect, you can let your mind relax and enjoy some quiet solitude.


  1.  You Reconnect with Your Family

How often have you watched a family sit at a restaurant, pull out their phones, and ignore each other? Limiting your phone time allows you to look your partner in the eye and have a meaningful conversation. Reconnect with loved ones by spending more time with them, and less time on your phone.


  1.  You Become More Creative

You either consume or create. Scrolling through social media or reading articles is consuming. Stopping your consumption allows your brain to switch to its creative mode. You may rediscover hobbies, solve problems, or enjoy other creative outlets.


  1.  You Will Enjoy Better Sleep

Even if notifications are set to vibrate, having your phone in the bedroom can interrupt your sleep patterns. Too much blue light screen time impedes sleep. You can get better sleep if you leave your phone in another room.


  1.  You Increase Your Productivity

Stopping to review each notification causes your mind to ‘short-circuit.’ Those tiny interruptions translate into lost time trying to refocus on the original task. By ignoring your phone, you can remain focused on your task and enjoy greater productivity.


  1.  You Reduce Feelings of Loneliness

Technology is excellent, but it does not replace physical contact. It can actually increase your feelings of loneliness. When you put down your phone and close your laptop, you can focus on building relationships that lead to less loneliness.


  1.  You Can Reconnect with Nature

We are wired to be active. Sitting down to scroll on your phone stops you from getting outside as often as you should. Put your phone down, go outside, and breathe the fresh air. Take in the beauty around you – it will revitalize your body and soul


  1.  You Face Your Real Problems

We often spend too much time on our phones because it is our safe place where we don’t have to think about much other than the next item we are scrolling to. Disconnecting from your phone, helps you stay present and keep your mind on important things. Stop using your phone to escape your problems.



  1. Turn your phone off during meal times. Use this time to interact with family, ask about their day, or engage in conversation with friends.


  1. Buy an alarm clock for your bedroom, and leave your phone in another room at night. This gives you the opportunity for a more restful sleep.


Turn off notifications and set your phone away from you while working on important or time-sensitive projects

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