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New to Exercise? Avoid These Four Common Mistakes

Jun 16, 2022

At your doctor's office, you nervously stepped onto the scales. When you looked at the number, you were both shocked and frustrated. You had gained nearly 20 pounds since your annual physical last year. Determined to lose weight, you excitedly started exercising for the first time in your life. However, your initial results were disappointing. If you can relate to this scenario, revamping your workout routine might be in order. To jumpstart your weight loss goals, avoid the following common mistakes exercise newbies often make.

Exercising Too Frequently

Do you strive to work out for at least two hours every day of the week? Visiting the gym every day can actually be counterproductive to your weight loss goals. After a grueling work out, your muscles and joints need time to recover. Therefore, exercising too much increases your risk of suffering a painful injury. Sticking to an unrealistic workout schedule can also lead to exercise burnout. Soon, you may rather get a root canal at your dentist's office than visit a gym. Try to complete at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise on most days of the week. Pencil one or two rest days into your schedule.

Sticking to the Same Gym Routine

Do you head to the same treadmill every time you enter your gym? You might always walk for thirty minutes before going home. Like working out too frequently, sticking to the same gym routine can raise your odds of succumbing to an overuse injury. For instance, doing aerobics every time you work out might make you more prone to suffering a meniscus tear or developing osteoarthritis in your knees. Mixing up your workouts also challenges your muscles.

Shunning Strength Training

To effectively mix up your workouts, alternate between cardio and strength training routines. Exercise beginners often shun strength training. They believe this form of exercise will add too much muscle to their frames. Thankfully, this misconception couldn't be further from the truth. If looking like a bodybuilder isn't your goal, complete numerous repetitions of lifts with light weights. As a reward for your hard work, you'll develop lean muscle mass. Since muscle burns more calories than fat, engaging in strength training might help you reach your weight loss goals faster.

Drinking Too Little Water

When you're dehydrated, your energy level suffers. Therefore, you can't work out at your optimal capacity. Many people also confuse thirst with hunger. This confusion may cause you to consume a calorie-laden food after an exercise session when all your body needs is a glass of cool, refreshing water. To maximize results from your fitness routines, drink plenty of water before, during, and after exercising.


Beginning a fitness program is a wonderful way to kick-start a weight loss plan. To increase your likelihood of whittling your waistline, avoid making the aforementioned errors. In little time at all, you might gain the body of your dreams. Even better, you may want to make working out a permanent part of your life.

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