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10 Amazing Foods To Boost Your Brain Power

healthier wealthier May 12, 2022

The human brain is a remarkable organ that requires a great deal of nourishment, so the food choices you make daily affect its structure and health. Eating a variety of natural, nutritious foods will have both short-term and long-term benefits to brain function, memory, concentration, and mental acuity. The following ten foods are all great options for a brain-friendly diet.


  1. Almonds


Almonds are not just a great snack but also a highly concentrated source of essential vitamins and minerals. They are packed with vitamin E, a fat-soluble antioxidant nutrient. Human brain cells tend to be susceptible to oxidation, but vitamin E protects synaptic membranes from free radical damage and promotes neuroplasticity, your brain's ability to change and learn in new ways. Recent research has indicated that high vitamin E levels can delay or even prevent the onset of age-related cognitive decline or Alzheimer's disease.


  1. Avocado


Avocados can do wonders for your brain, mainly thanks to their abundance of omega-3 monounsaturated fats. As you might suspect, the human brain is approximately 50 percent fat. Almost 30 percent of this amount consists of omega-3 fatty acids. Avocados are also a good source of vitamin E as well as two special carotenoids, lutein and zeaxanthin. These compounds seem to be related to both eye and brain health and could affect cognitive function, memory, and verbal fluency. Overall, all the nutrients found in avocados work in synergy to nourish your brain and fight off inflammation.


  1. Blueberries


Blueberries are a highly concentrated source of antioxidants, especially a type of flavonoid called anthocyanins. These compounds can cross the blood-brain barrier and enhance the parts of the brain that handle memory. A blueberry smoothie might be just the thing you need to improve concentration and memory and tackle difficult mental tasks. Blueberries can not only give your brain a temporary boost but also protect it as you grow older. Research has shown that this fantastic berry lowers the risk of dementia in older individuals, but also counters the effects of Alzheimer's, as well as prevents age-related memory loss. There is also evidence that blueberries can protect against depression and improve mental health.


  1. Broccoli


Broccoli is a nutritional powerhouse full of plant compounds with numerous health benefits. Its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects can protect the brain against free radical damage. What's more, this amazing vegetable contains a chemical compound called sulforaphane. Although sulforaphane is not an essential nutrient, it works as a genetic modulator by activating an antioxidant pathway that protects the whole body, including the brain, from oxidative stress. The list of brain-friendly vegetables also includes Brussel sprouts, cabbage, radishes, arugula, bok choy, and kale.


  1. Dark Chocolate


Dark chocolate is another source of flavonoid antioxidants. Cocoa flavonoids reverse cognitive decline, improve insulin resistance, vascular (relating to blood vessels) function, as well as blood flow to the brain. A study also indicated that adults who consumed chocolate at least once a week performed better in tests involving abstract reasoning, visual-spatial, and working memory. Dark chocolate is also a great source of magnesium, a mineral involved in about fifty different brain processes. Magnesium improves focus and memory, counters stress and depression, and plays a critical part in energy production.


  1. Eggs


Eggs boast tremendous nutritional power and nourish the human body in many different ways. They are rich in choline, a micronutrient of particular interest for brain health. Choline is involved in the production of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that controls memory and mood. Egg yolks have high concentrations of choline, so consuming them is a great way to increase your intake and improve mental function. An egg is also a rich source of vitamins B6 and B12, both of which protect against age-related cognitive decline and depression.


  1. Fatty Fish


Fish rich in omega-3 fats help increase blood flow to the brain and promote improved brain function and better reasoning skills. Omega-3 essential fatty acids also protect brain integrity by building new membranes around brain cells and improving neuron function. Several fatty fish can help you diversify your menus and increase your omega-3 intake; sardines, mackerel, salmon, tuna, and herring are all excellent choices.


  1. Green Tea


Green tea is a brain-friendly beverage with a diverse nutritional profile. It is full of polyphenols and antioxidants that protect against cognitive decline. It contains caffeine, a compound thoroughly researched for its ability to improve memory, alertness, and concentration. Green tea is also a source of L-theanine, an amino acid that has several positive effects when it crosses the blood-brain barrier; it reduces stress and improves relaxation while, at the same time, your brain remains alert.


  1. Peanuts


Peanuts are technically a legume, but they constitute a fantastic snack that you can consume any hour of the day. Their protein and unsaturated fat content can keep you feeling energetic and sharp throughout a demanding day. They are also rich in other nutrients, including vitamin E and resveratrol, a natural phenol with substantial antioxidant power. Resveratrol reduces brain inflammation and plays a part in preventing neurological diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's.


  1. Pumpkin Seeds


Pumpkin seeds are another incredible source of many micronutrients, including antioxidants that combat free radical damage in the brain. They also provide an array of essential minerals, including zinc, copper, iron, and magnesium. Mineral deficiencies are linked to neurological conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's, and depression. For instance, copper and zinc play a crucial role in nerve signaling, so low levels of these minerals increase the risk of neurodegenerative conditions. Moreover, brain fog and lack of concentration are often symptoms of iron deficiency. Magnesium is another vital mineral for brain health since it improves memory and learning.


A well-nourished brain is also a happy brain. By adding more brain-healthy foods to your diet, you will be able to improve your productivity and performance, reduce anxiety and stress, prevent mental decline as you grow older, and face all the challenges of modern life.

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